
99 Logo Problems



Yingzi is an explanation of the nature and structure of the Chinese writing system, using as an analogy a new writing system for English. Pretty cool.


Divine Husbandman?

"看! 神农来了,我们快去谢谢他吧!" 一个青年指着远处说。
"Kan! Shénnóng lái le, wǒmen kuài qù xièxie tā ba!" yí gè qīngnián zhǐ zhe yuǎn chù shuō.

"神农, 谢谢您教我们种田,使得我们都有食物吃!" 一个老人对神农说。
"Shénnóng, xièxie nín jiāo wǒmen zhòngtián, shǐde wǒmen dōu yǒu shíwù chī!" yí gè lǎorén duì shénnóng shuō.

"神农, 谢谢您救了我, 医好我的病。您真是一个大好人!" 一个老奶奶说。
"Shénnóng, xièxie nín jiù le wǒ, yī hǎo wǒ de bìng. nín zhēnshi yí gè dà hǎorén!" yí gè lǎonǎinai shuō.

有一次, 神农看到一棵奇怪的小草。他想知道这种草能不能用来医病, 便把它放在口里试了一试, 没想到草有毒, 一下子就把他毒死了。
Yǒu yí cì, Shénnóng kàndào yì kē qíguài de xiǎo cǎo. Tā xiǎng zhīdào zhè zhǒng cǎo néng bu néng yòng lái yī bìng, biàn bǎ tā fàng zài kǒu li shì le yí shì, méi xiǎng dào cǎo yǒu dú, yíxiàzi jiù bǎ tā dú sǐ le.

神农虽然死了, 但是千百年来, 他一直活在人们的心里。
Shénnóng suīrán sǐ le, dànshì qiān bǎi nián lái, tā yìzhí huó zài rénmen de xīnli.



Characters and words used so far:

陆 - lù - a surname (land)
雨 - yǔ - rain
平 - píng - level
力 - lì - strength
波 - bō - wave
你 - nǐ - you
好 - hǎo - good
你好 - nǐhǎo - hello
林 - lín - a surname (forest)
娜 - nà - graceful
吗 - ma - interrogative particle
很 - hěn - very
呢 - ne - sentence final particle
也 - yě - also
对 - duì - correct
不 - bù - not
起 - qǐ - start
对不起 - duìbuqǐ - excuse me
请 - qǐng - please
问 - wèn - ask
请问 - qǐngwèn - may I ask?
会 - huì - can
说 - shuō - speak
英 - yīng - hero
文 - wén - language
英文 - yīngwén - English
一 - yī - one
点 - diǎn - dot
儿 - r - noun suffix
一点 - yīdiǎn - a little
一点儿 - yīdiǎnr - a little
普 - pǔ - common
通 - tōng - go through
普通 - pǔtōng - common
话 - huà - speech
普通话 - pǔtōnghuà - Mandarin
是 - shì - to be
美 - měi - beautiful
国 - guó - country
美国 - měiguó - United States
人 - rén - person
美国人 - měiguórén - an American
爸 - bà - dad
爸爸 - bàba - dad
妈 - mā - mother
妈妈 - māma - mother
他 - tā - he
们 - men - pluralizing suffix
他们 - tāmen - they
都 - dōu - all
忙 - máng - busy
男 - nán - man
朋 - péng - friend
友 - yǒu - friend
朋友 - péngyǒu - friend
丁 - dīng - a surname (fourth)
哥 - gē - brother
哥哥 - gēge - elder brother
要 - yào - want
咖啡 - kāfēi - coffee
弟 - dì - younger brother
弟弟 - dìdi - younger brother
我 - wǒ - I, me
我们 - wǒmen - we
喝 - hē - to drink


Pimsleur, Unit 2

Dùibùqĭ, qĭng wèn. Nĭ hùi shūo pŭtōnghuà ma?

Wŏ hùi shūo yīdiănr.

Nĭ shì mĕigúorén ma?

Shì. Nĭ hùi shūo yīngwén ma?

Bù hùi. Wŏ bù hùi shūo yīngwén.



Something I noticed in that last post...
There are two different commas in chinese. One of them appears in the sentence "Lu Yuping, how are you."
The other should appear in the sentence "How is your father, your mother."
Now I just need to figure out how to type the second one.

UPDATE: Okay, I figured it out. I just needed to type backslash while in chinese input mode. I updated the last post to use the correct comma.

NPCR Chapter 2

Lín Nà: Lù Yŭpíng, nĭ hăo ma?

Lù Yŭpíng: Wŏ hĕn hăo. Nĭ bàba、māma hăo ma?

Lín Nà: Tāmen dōu hĕn hăo. Nĭ máng ma?

Lù Yŭpíng: Wŏ bù máng. Nĭ nán péngyou ne?

Lín Nà: Tā hĕn máng.

Dīng Lìbō: Gēge, nĭ yào kāfēi ma?

Gēge: Wŏ yào kāfēi.

Dìdi: Wŏ yĕ yào kāfēi.

Dīng Lìbō: Hăo, wŏmen dōu hē kāfēi.


Pimsleur, Unit 1

Dùibùqĭ, qĭng wèn. Nĭ hùi shūo yīngwén?

Bù hùi. Wŏ bù hùi shūo yīngwén.

Wŏ hùi shūo yīdiănr pŭtōnghuà.

Nĭ shì mĕigúorén ma?

Shì. Wŏ shì mĕigúorén.


Second thoughts

I'm not entirely happy with how that last post turned out. I'm not sure if it's because the sentences were so simple, but it seemed a little repetitive.
I guess I'll put that technique away for a while, and try it again when I have something more complicated to try it on.

An Experiment

This whole post is an experiment.
I'm going to try the format used in Mangajin's Basic Japanese Through Comics.
This technique worked very well for them, but I'm not sure how it'll translate to this medium (and language).

New Practical Chinese Reader, Volume 1 Chapter 1:

陆 雨平: 力波, 你 好。
Lù Yŭpíng: Lìbō, nĭ hăo.
Lù Yŭpíng: Lìbō, you good.
Lù Yŭpíng: Hello, Lìbō.

力波: 你 好, 陆 雨平。
Lìbō: Nĭ hăo, Lù Yŭpíng.
Lìbō: you good, Lù Yŭpíng.
Lìbō: Hello, Lù Yŭpíng.

力波: 林 娜, 你 好 吗?
Lìbō: Lín Nà, nĭ hăo ma?
Lìbō: Lín Nà, you good (question)?
Lìbō: Lín Nà, how are you?

林 娜: 我 很 好, 你 呢?
Lín Nà: Wŏ hĕn hăo, nĭ ne?
Lín Nà: I very good, you (modal)?
Lín Nà: I'm fine, and you?

力波: 也 很 好。
Lìbō: Yĕ hĕn hăo.
Lìbō: also very good.
Lìbō: I'm fine too.


A few useful(?) links

Zhongwen.com is a chinese character dictionary. It emphasizes traditional characters over simplified, but it's still pretty useful.

Rikai.com is a site created by my friend Todd which allows you to annotate any Chinese (or Japanese) website such that mousing over a character will give you its definition. Try it. You'll like it.

Hanzi Smatter is a site dedicated to the misuse of Chinese characters in Western culture. The reverse version of Engrish.com, only with a bonus gift of interesting conversations on chinese characters.

Kanji Clinic is a regular column from The Japan Times dealing with the experiences of non-Japanese adults trying to learn the Kanji.

Alaric's blog about blogging in chinese as a second language is my inspiration for starting this.

Language Hat is a blog which deals with languages and linguistics. Always interesting.

Wenlin and Clavis Sinica are competing Chinese dictionary apps. Both are available for MacOS X and Windows. Neither is perfect, and they're both somewhat expensive, but I've found them very useful.

Quia allows you to create online quizzes and drills. Here are some of the activities I've created for learning Chinese.

First Post

This blog is an attempt to practice my written chinese.
I expect it to initially be composed mostly of transcriptions and translations of dialogs from textbooks and Pimsleur, although once my vocabulary expands, I hope to include more original writings.
I may also use this space to post links and to record my thoughts(in english) on various subjects such as Chinese language and culture, language acquisition, hanzi and kanji, linguistics, and anything else I might think is relevant and/or interesting.
The intended audience is me, but anyone else happens to find any of this interesting, you're more than welcome to read it. Please feel free to leave comments too.